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Facts on shark

 Hi! readers. Today's post is about sharks. There are hundreds of species of sharks in the world, and they have been around since before the dinosaurs. They are some of the most amazing animals on the planet. So Here are 20 Little-Known Shark Facts  Sharks come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny lantern sharks, which are about the size of your hand, to giant whale sharks, which are about the same size as a bus. Many sharks lay eggs, but some give birth to live young, just like we do. Shark pregnancies can last from a few months to well over a couple of years. That’s longer than whales or elephants! Greenland sharks, which live in cold polar waters, hold the record as the oldest known vertebrate animals on the planet. Since they are estimated to live as long as 500 years Mako sharks hold the record for being the most athletic sharks, reaching swimming speeds of over 40 miles per hour! They are also known to have jumped as much as 30 feet out of the water. The world’s biggest sha

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