Facts on math's

 Hi everyone. This post is for people who think mathematics is a boring subject. If you think so then these facts will change the way you feel about Mathematics. I have many cool facts on mathematics and I will share you some facts in here.

  1.  The word “hundred” comes from the old Norse term, “hundrath”, which actually means 120 and not 100.
  2. Most mathematical symbols weren’t invented until the 16th century. Before that, equations were written in words.
  3. "Forty” is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order.
  4. "One" is the only one with letters in reverse order.
  5.  ‘Four’ is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself.
  6. Every odd number has an “e” in it.
  7.  “Eleven plus two” is an anagram of “twelve plus one” which is pretty fitting as the answer to both equations is 13.1️⃣2️⃣️➕1️⃣or1️⃣️1️⃣️➕2️⃣️
  8.  -40 °C is equal to -40 °F. Don't believe me check it out in google here
  9. Dividing by zero once put a US Navy Warship out of action.
  10. The numbers on opposite sides of a dice always add up to seven.
  11. The spiral shapes of sunflowers, snails and shells follow the Fibonacci sequence, where the two previous numbers are added together to get the next. (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34…)
  12. Number 5 is a magical number because follow these steps and you will find out why.
    • Think of a number.
    • Double it
    • Add ten.
    • Divide by 2
    • Take away the number you thought.
    • You obviously get 5 
  13. The number 2 and 5 is the only prime numbers ending with 2 or 5.
  14. 9 is also known as the magic number. This is because
    • Multiply a number by 9.
    • Add all the digits of the new number together, to a single digit.
    • The sum will always add up to 9.
  15. In the number system, from 0 to 1000, the letter A only appears first in 1000 ("one thousand"). 
  16. The number 0.999999….. is exactly equal to 1.
    • Proof: Let x=0.9999…
    • Then 10x = 9.9999…
    • 10x-x =(9.9999…)-(0.9999…)
    • 9x=9
    • x=1
  17. Every odd number has an "e" in it.
  18. 12,345,678,987,654,321 is the product of 111,111,111 x 111,111,111. Notice the sequence of the numbers 1 to 9 and back to 1.
  19. Googol is a number where 1 is followed by 100 zeroes and googolplex is a number  where 1 is followed by  googolplex  Zeroes.
  20. If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5...) the total is 5050.

That's all for now.
Till then,
Signing off


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