Optical illusion part- 2

  Hi readers I am back with a new content as you have guessed it this post is about optical illusions part 2 There is also a bonus part in this post.

Physiological Optical Illusions

These types of optical illusions are more complex because they reply on the over stimulation of the brain’s senses. The eye “sees” so much light, movement, color, dimension and size that it confuses the brain. The mind benders you see like geometric illusions and impossible pictures are physiological optical illusions.  At first glance, a two-dimensional figure looks like it’s three-dimensional.  That’s because the brain immediately interprets it to be that way. Upon further investigation, the brain realizes what the eye is actually seeing.  The image in question does not exist in nature. 

All these images are still.

Bonus part:

Fifteen interesting facts and bits of  diamonds 💎💎

  1. The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamonds (perhaps the earliest association between diamonds and romantic love).
  2. Diamonds are billions of years old—in some cases more than three billion years old.
  3. Diamonds form about 100 miles below ground and have been carried to the earth’s surface by

    deep volcanic eruptions.
  4. Diamonds are made of a single element—they’re nearly 100% carbon. Under the immense heat and pressure far below the earth’s surface, the carbon atoms bond in a unique way that results in
    diamonds’ beautiful and rare crystalline structure.
  5. The word diamond derives from the Greek word “adamas,” which means invincible or indestructible. Which makes sense because…
  6. Diamonds are the very hardest natural substance. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.
  7. Diamonds have been valued and coveted for thousands of years. 
  8. Ancient Hindus used diamonds in the eyes of devotional statues, and believed that a diamond could protect its wearer from danger.
  9. Many ancient cultures believed that diamonds gave the wearer strength and courage during battle, and some kings wore diamonds on their armor as they rode into battle.
  10. During the Middle Ages diamonds were thought to have healing properties able to cure ailments ranging from fatigue to mental illness.
  11. The countries that are the main sources of diamonds have changed over time. India was the world’s original source of diamonds, beginning in the 1400s when Indian diamonds began to be sold in Venice and other European trade centers. Then in the 1700s India’s diamond supplies declined and Brazil became the world’s major source of diamonds, until the late 1800s when a huge diamond reserve was discovered in South Africa.  Today, diamonds are mined in many parts of the world.
  12. The largest diamond ever discovered was called the Cullinan diamond, and weighed in at an
    amazing 3106 carats, or 1.33 pounds. Discovered in 1905 in South Africa. The Cullinan was eventually cut into nine large diamonds and 100 smaller ones, and the three largest of these are on display in the Tower of London as part of the crown jewels.
  13. Lab diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. They are sustainable diamonds that have minimal environmental impact. Discover Brilliant Earth’s collection of lab diamonds.
  14. Diamond's hardness, the polishing of the facets creates such incredible mirrors that the diamond bounces the light back to the eye. So, you're really getting a combination of light to give this beautiful dispersion and sparkle.
  15. The most mind-blowing diamond facts of all: Scientists have discovered a planet that they believe is composed mostly of carbon, and is one-third pure diamond!  Discovered in 2004, the planet orbits a nearby star in the Milky Way, and is named “55 Cancri e” .
That's all for now
Till then 
signing off


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