
 Hi so as today there are two special day celebrated in our country. Guess out what? Yeah so it's children's day and the one more is the Diwali. In this post I am going to explain about these two . Lets get started.

All about children's day:


Children's day in India

The celebration of Children's Day in India dates back to 1956. Prior to the death of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India celebrated Children's Day on 20 November (the date observed as Universal Children's Day by the United Nations). After the death of Jawaharlal Nehru, his birth anniversary was deliberated to be celebrated as Children's Day in India. It was done so because he was very popular with the kids as Chacha Nehru, hence, a resolution was passed in the parliament to give a befitting farewell to the first Prime Minister of India. 

Children's Day celebration across the world

Children's Day began in 1857 by Reverend Dr Charles Leonard in Chelsea, US. Even though Children's Day is celebrated globally by most of the countries in the world on June 1, Universal Children's Day takes place annually on November 20.

Actual aim for celebrating this day

Children should get their rights in the country. Their rights include 

  • Right to free and compulsory elementary education for all children in the 6-14 year age group 
  • Right to be protected from any hazardous employment
  • Right to early childhood care and education
  • Right to be protected from abuse'
  • Right to be protected from the economic necessity to enter occupations unsuited to their age or strength
  • Right to equal opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner
  • Right to freedom and dignity and guaranteed protection of childhood and youth against exploitation
All about Diwali

As we all know about Diwali I have just gave you a bit of information.

Also called: Diwali Divali Deepavali and also festival of light 
Observed by: Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists (notably Newar Buddhists)
Type: cultural, seasonal, religious
Celebrations: Lighting lamps, home decoration, shopping, fireworks, puja (worship ceremonies), gifts, performing religious rituals, feast and sweets
Date: Amavasya of Kartik month
(Date varies per Hindu calendar)

That's all for know
Sigining of

Wish you all a very happy Diwali


  1. Happy Children's Day and Happy Diwali to you!!
    Nice information..
    Keep going=)


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