Unknown facts about your body

Hi everyone in today's post I am going to say you some unknown facts. So lets dive in.
  1.  Your fingernails grow four times as fast as your toenails?
  2. Babies are born with 300 bones – adults have 206
  3. Eyelashes last about 150 days
  4. The heart circulates your blood through your body about 1,000 times each day

  5. You make about half a quart (500ml) of spit each day
  6. Your blood has the same amount of salt in it as the ocean does
  7. A sneeze blows air out of your nose at 100 miles per hour
  8. You are taller in the morning than you are at night

  9. Humans are the only animals that cry when upset
  10. Many more boys are color blind than girls are
  11. Children have more taste buds than adults
  12. Your lungs are the only organs in your body that float

  13. Food spends up to 6 hours in the stomach being digested
  14. Your eyeballs are actually part of your brain
  15. The average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail.
  16. It takes 17 muscles to smile, 43 to frown.

  17. When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
  18. Up to the age of six or seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time. An adult cannot do this.
  19. Pain travels through the body at 350 feet per second!
  20. Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.

  21. Your heart rate can rise as much as 30% during a yawn.
  22. Your hair grows faster in the morning than at any other time of day.
  23. Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks! and Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete!
  24. Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones

  25. Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!
  26.  A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
  27. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.

So that's all for now .
Stay tuned

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