All about rivers

I am back with my new post so in this post I would be mentioning the longest t rivers in India. But before starting about the topic as I said in my previous post I would be saying about Knowledge and Wisdom as a bonus part Today.  Lets get started with Today's blog.
River is a water source for human needs. Each river has its own starting point but all dissolves into the  salty marine. 
The longest rivers in India 

1. Indus River

Length (Km): 2900
Origin (Source): Originates in the northern slopes of the Kailash range in Tibet near Lake Manasarovar.
Left tributaries-Zanskar River, Suru River, Soan River, Jhelum River, Chenab River, Ravi River, Beas River, Sutlej River, Panjnad River, Ghaggar-Hakra River, Luni River 
Right tributaries-Shyok River, Hunza River, Gilgit River, Swat River, Kunar River, Kabul River, Kurram River, Gomal River, Zhob River.
Discharge its water: Arabian Sea

2. Brahmaputra River

Length (Km): 2900
Origin (Source): Originates from Kailash ranges of Himalaya
Left tributaries- Dibang River, Lohit River, Dhansiri River, Kolong River
Right tributaries- Kameng River, Manas River, Beki River, Raidak River, Jaldhaka River, Teesta River, Subansiri River
Discharge its water: Bay of Bengal

3. Ganga River

Length (Km): 2525
Origin (Source): Gangotri
Left tributaries-Ramganga, Garra, Gomti, Ghaghara, Gandak, Burhi Gandak Koshi, Mahananda
Right tributaries- Yamuna, Tamsa, Son, Punpun, Kiul, Karamnasa, Chandan
Discharge its water: Bay of Bengal

4. Godavari River

Length (Km): 1465
Origin (Source): Originates near Nasik in Maharashtra
Left tributaries- Banganga, Kadva, Shivana, Purna, Kadam, Pranahita, Indravati, Taliperu, Sabari
Right tributaries- Nasardi, Darna, Pravara, Sindphana, Manjira, Manair, Kinnerasani
Discharge its water: Bay of Bengal

5. Krishna River

Length (Km): 1400
Origin (Source): Originates in the Western Ghats at an elevation of about 1337 m. just north of Mahabaleswar, about 64 km from the Arabian Sea.
Left tributaries- Bhima, Dindi, Peddavagu, Musi, Paleru, Munneru
Right tributaries- Venna, Koyna, Panchganga, Dudhaganga, Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Tungabhadra
Discharge its water: Bay of Bengal

So that's it You have know the top 5 longest river and all about its origin, length, tributaries and  where does it deposits its water. 
So now we have reached the Bonus section.(Yay)

Most people think that wisdom and knowledge are the same thing but actually they are two different sides of the same coin .

 Knowledge is nothing but the facts known by a person whereas wisdom is the combination of experience and knowledge, with the power of applying them or soundness of judgement in a person.
So I hope you are know aware of Wisdom and Knowledge.

We have reached the end of the blog and don't forget to comment.

Brain booster


  1. Awesome rivers are nice and gained knowledge.....

  2. Hey , this post was very informative ! I didn't know this much about rivers ! Thanks for the info !


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