Keyboard shortcuts to make browsing easier

Hi readers I am back with an interesting post. You are using your browser often. So what are the short cut keys you know to use. Yeah It will be cut(ctrl+x), copy(ctrl+c) and paste(ctrl.v).

In this post I am going to say you 10 shortcuts to use in your browser. So here we go.

(An very important note If you are using a mac substitute the command key for the control key.)

1. Ctrl + Shift + T : Open the recently closed tab
CTRL + shift + t instantly reopens the last tab you closed (the more you press it, the older the tabs pop up).  If you usually have more than one tab open while you browse, this trick can be a life-saver.

2.CTRL + back arrow: Go back one page in your browsing history
CTRL + back arrow is your effortless, mouse-free way of going back one page in your browsing history. Didn’t mean to do that? Hit CTRL + forward arrow to move forward one page. Now the Internet is like on big eBook to flip through at your leisure!

3.Space bar: Automatically scroll down a page while browsing
Don’t be a slave to the scroll wheel (and also a little time waster) the next time you reach the bottom of the screen while reading a long article, hit the space bar to jump one screen-length down. Hit the space bar by accident? Just press shift + space to scroll back up to where you were.
4.CTRL + D = bookmark a page
Digging around for the “add bookmark” option in your browser toolbars is a waste of time that could be spent . Instead, hit CTRL + D to add a bookmark.

5. CTRL + L: Move the cursor to the URL bar
Know where you’re headed? CTRL + L launches your cursor right to the address bar so you don’t have to waste your time navigating through Google

6. CTRL + K: Move the cursor to the search box
Don’t know where you’re headed? Jump to the search box with CTRL + K.

7.CTRL + 1: Switch to the first tab
CTRL + 1 (or 2, or 3, etc.) instantly moves you to the tab at the position indicated, e.g.  CTRL + 1 takes you to the first tab, CTRL + 2 takes you to the second, and so on. 

8.CTRL + Plus sign: Zoom in
Type too small on a given web page? CTRL + Plus zooms you in, while CTRL + Minus zooms you out.

9.Ctrl + Enter = .com
Wish there was a shortcut for adding “.com” to the end of a web address? There is: when your cursor is in the URL bar (CTRL+L, remember?) you can instantly append .com to the end of your text by hitting Ctrl + Enter, then navigate to that page without hitting another button.

10. Ctrl + W : Close current tab
Hit CTRL + W to close out of it .

That's all for now . 
signing of,


  1. Nice. It is Very Informative for us and i am sure going to try these even though i Know 1 or 2 Already.
    With love,

  2. Nice hot keys to use
    It'll be really helpful for people in hurry
    Keep going

  3. nice devmathy ... very informative .......... and going to try these for sure

  4. Good work, very useful to me...

  5. Hey nice one !! Shortcuts are very handy !! We could save time . Keep going


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